“Bros” Movie Review: By Me, a Straight, Cis, White, Male

A lot of what people are talking about with this movie is Billy Eichner saying this movie did bad because of homophobia. So I went to see it because I didnt hear a lot of it until he said that. I go to a lot of movies and hadnt really heard much about it besides its a “gay rom com”. Boy did they make sure you were in a “gay” movie. Billy Eichners character, Bobby, which is basically just Billy Eichner, has an LGBTQ podcast and is opening a LGBTQ museum. Bobby starts dating Aaron, who is a more masculine “bro” gay man, and thats about it. They threw in some sex scenes. There are two orgy scenes. I asked my gay friend if gay sex is just a lot of orgies and he said yes but it sounded a little sarcastic, but cool if true I guess. He also said he would not see this movie.

Im not 100% sure what to think about this movie because it was a loose plot with a lot of just “gay”. Im a fan of good of movies and I just dont think this was a good movie. It felt like a lot of straight people need to accept gay people which I think we are way past as a society so Im not sure what we are fighting here. Theres even a subplot point where Aarons mom is a second grade teacher and Bobby tries to push that they need to know about gay history. Seems like more of a college course. Call me old school but maybe we should just cover the big events in primary education. Ya know play the hits and as you advance into higher degrees of education make it more specific. Maybe just teach second graders to be nice to everyone. Treat others the way you would like to be treated kind of thing.

As far as the rest of the movie I tried to replace the gay with as if it was two straight people in the same situation. I think the whole plot of that movie would be a not that hot, semi successful dude is dating a really hot girl. So like a spin on “Shes Out of my League” where the guy isnt a TSA agent. Which would be kind of a whatever movie. I did enjoy a lot of the jokes, especially the one off jokes that were kind of in the background. I actually did laugh quite a bit.

Its an ok movie, with an ok plot, and some funny parts. Unfortunately this ones gonna be tainted because of all this homophobic stuff, and Billy Eichner blaming everyone else for not wanting to see this. Its not a movie I would get hyped up to go see, but its not that bad. Its just a whatever movie with dudes making out and blowing each other. Moving forward can we please get past making a movie for politics sake and just focus on making good and interesting movies? Probably not but a man can dream

Score: 5/10- If youre interested, go see it. Not one Im adding to my DVD collection thogh


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