Monday Motivation: Consistency is Key

Ah and we are back. Got things rolling for about a few weeks and then decided to take advantage of the low flight prices provided by the Coronavirus. So I have been in Vegas and back in Michigan and overall just enjoying the apocalypse. But all that has taken away from my actual life goals. Ya know getting out of corporate America.

Over the past decade or so I have learned about myself that I am great at coming up with ideas. I am great on the spot. Im usually good under pressure. What I am not good at is starting something and staying with it or even finishing it, and theres a good chance thats the reason that I am where I am now in my life. Now, I have started podcasts before and been consistent for a few weeks and busted out some great content. But I have never been able to sustain that over a long period of time. Consistency is the main way to build this website and one of the main parts of building a following on the internet.

I know a cheesy ass Gary Vee post about content. This is real shit though. Anyone can make one or two videos and throw them up on YouTube and then go to the bar and be “too hungover” to make more content. Thats the cycle I have fallen into far too often. Honestly it is an easy cycle to fall into. Lets take a deep dive.

I went to college and majored in Business Management with the hopes of working in sports. That didn’t happen and I now have to work a shitty corporate sales job with about 25k in debt from loans. In corporate America you are working around 60+ hours a week so about 12 hours, 5 days out of the week. After a 12 hour day of eating shit and sitting at a computer there isn’t much you want to do. So after those 12 hours you sit in traffic for another 30-45 minutes on your way home thinking about your shitty day. If you throw in going to the gym, eating, and showering you are now looking at around 8-9 PM. So you wake up at 5 AM to be at work by 7 and you have no real free time until 8 or 9 which leaves about 1 hour before you pass out to get back in the loop again. All of this makes consistency extremely hard.

Here is an hourly breakdown of my day during the quarantine while working from home

5:00-6:50 AM Wake up, yoga, get ready for work

7:00 AM-5:00 PM Work, take about 15 minutes to eat your lunch over your desk you fucking animal

5:30 PM-6:30 PM Gym

6:30 PM-7:30 PM Shower, eat, etc.

7:30 PM-9:00 PM Podcast and Piano practice

9:00 PM and after, wind down and fall asleep

Now all of that is while working from home in a pandemic, so not even including driving to work and sitting in Austin TX traffic. With all of that going on, on a daily basis it is incredibly easy to fall behind.

Heres what I have figured out and why becoming successful is such an uphill battle. The only way to make it happen is to make it happen. What that means is you just have to put your head down and get it done. Sometimes you are going to be up late, sometimes the content you put out isn’t going to be the best sometimes you aren’t going to want to do it and sometimes you would rather just go to bed. The only way to get it done though is just do it. Stop bullshitting and just make it happen.


College Football, Fall, and Fun in General Are Cancelled


Song of the Day: You Get What You Give By New Radicals